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Martial Arts, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Kung Fu, Sport, Cross Fit, Fitness, Personal Coaching



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Anno 2020

The search for a place to train, both my dancing and Kickboxing during the COVID-Period, ended up getting the keys of a friend's dancing school, to bypass the  pandemic restrictions. She also proposed having some free studio's in case I would like to start teaching Kickboxing. And that's where it all started. A room of 5 by 4 meter, remodeled to Kickboxing studio served for an astonishing 35 members in the first month between  two COVID waves.

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April 2021

During the second wave a project was set up to open a concept store. A combination of an Outlet Store, with dance platform for youth and Social Media, combined with a Kickboxing school in the stock area as the main idea. But getting notion of the premises next door, a previous squash and fitness center, which had been abandoned for over more than 15 years, was an opportunity leaning more into my capabilities and background. So a contract was signed for a period of 2 years, the time frame for the owner's license confirmation. And,....renovations started.

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September 2021

Taking off with the Kickboxing school seemed like welcome in Vilvoorde, considering the surprising number of members subscribing to our 4 children's, Ladies only and men's categories.

From there on it  evolved even faster. The club seemed a real magnet for Martial Arts, both instructors and members. In less than 2 years time, we grew to 6 different Martial Arts, various Fitness Coaches and Personal Trainers, with an overall of more than 175 members, and .... growing.

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September 2023


Time to move!

As our contract indicated a period of 2 years, we have come to the end of our time here. Although some minor extensions are added to our time, we cannot continue living in short term uncertainties that one day we'll have to move out. So, we started renovating and accommodating a new building, Schaarbeeklei 176 - 1800 Vilvoorde, to a complete Martial Arts facility.

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October 2023

Opening new facility with 4 Personal Coaching Studio's, a Cross Training Gym, a Shop and of course our Boxing Gym.

Our new location, the new Boxing Gym in Vilvoorde and the impact of Social Media gave our Club a boost as no other. Soon various Boxing and Kickboxing coaches from everywhere came to visit or wanted to be a part of the team, bringing up some real level and value to Espace 73.
Up to the next level, going for competitions and our own Gala!

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September 2024

Keeping on growing in customers, level and disciplines. As from this day we can offer Kickboxing Pro with Samir (Queensbury), MMA with Charly Menama (Queensbury) and Krav Maga.

The focus of this season will be on leveling up competion, both in- and externally, working towards our first Gala, closing sponsorship deals and synchronizing all different aspects of this Club life.

Kickboxing Vilvoorde Espace 73

Kickboxing Vilvoorde Espace 73

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Kickboxing Vilvoorde

Kickboxing Vilvoorde

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Martial Arts are one, if not, the most complete sports disciplines you can imagine. Besides the high physical, psycho- emotional and spiritual development of a human being, we emphasize some very human virtues that are very valuable as human being.

Of course you can practice your art as such, but your life is not just a mere summary of some techniques and fighting skills. You are a human being, having human interactions, friendships, relationships and contact with as many behaviors, the moment you step outside the club. The question is, what kind of human being do you want to be?

We do not only stand by these values, but want to carry them out. As we are convinced that a lot of individual and thus human conflict resides in oneself and it is only in becoming aware of yourself and the elements at the basis of them that makes the difference between someone who is all words, or actually represents what he achieved or has become.




Although the increasing speed and stress of society and its accompanying absence of a descent education (being a parent as such and taking full responsibility to guide your offspring in a functional, practical and respectful way throughout their development), combined with the distorting influences of social media, creating the freedom to text, say and reply whatever you want (becoming a keyboard activist), without having to take any responsibility for your own words, attitude and behavior because you are in the safety behind a screen, is creating a serious fall out in some very basic human behavior like greeting,  listening and expressing oneself, but above all "being recognized" for who you are as an individual.


Motivation is not a straight line. It is fluctuating between, "damn, what am I doing here" one day and "feeling like a God" the other day. That's the variable of life, of who you are, of your circumstances but most of all of the perception you give them. You are the one who chose whether they determine you, or you bend them over into a constructive and motivational asset for your training. The choice is yours!


Engagement is the ability to compromise yourself, regardless of your inner and outer changes or circumstances. It is a disappearing value in today's society that will promote whatever explanation or excuse to skip, suspend or quite the activity you've chosen. It stems from the decision you made to start or to accomplish something.


It's like giving your word, but than to yourself. So if you quit, you break your word. And what is a man, or a woman, who breaks his word? Nothing! It makes them questionable. It creates a weak individual, unreliable, untrustworthy and superficial. In first instance to themselves, ... and thus to everyone around them.


Discipline is nothing more than the conditionment through engagement. It's a mental decision to work in the direction of your goals, of your objectives. That can only be attained by consistency, doing the job, putting in the work, how hard it may be getting sometimes, and keep on going. It will only work, when you are.

All else are excuses!


They say "respect needs to be earned"! Why the hell should it be earned?

It doesn't! Respect needs to be learned. You have to be respectful. And that all starts with respecting the other in his entire being, with his physical appearance, his psycho- emotional and mental state, thoughts, convictions, faith and possessions.

We live in a society where instant gratification and entitlement seems to give the permission to disrespect all and everything of the other(s). As if there are no boundaries anymore to the other and everything is allowed. No it isn't! I don't have the right to determine the state and being of the other's house, belongings, attitude, interests or whatever. We seem have forgotten that and we became takers, parasites that feed of everything around us, regardless of who is coming after us, without considering what we can give back, or leave the situation better the we found it. Now for that you have to have become a conscientious being to get that far in your human evolution.

But most of the time we have already assumed, perceived and judged the other and the situation, even before we even have met them. Not a great way to approach reality.

Tell me, do you want to be respected for who you are, of for the perception I have of you?

Than, all of a sudden, things become bright clear!

Good luck!





Schaarbeeklei 176

1800 Vilvoorde

Mon - Sat.


17:00 - 22:00

10.00 - 12.00

Mob. 0497/89.00.21

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